National Youth Science Forum
Making informed decisions about careers in science
NYSF is unique in Australia. Students during year 11 are selected to attend the NYSF the following year. They learn how to make informed decisions about courses and careers in the sciences and gain a professional skill set to help them realise their potential.
2013 Update.
Our most recent attendee Rhys travelled to Canberra by bus in January in an action packed getting-to-know-you journey to join 150 others from around Australia based at ANU for the annual two week wonder that is Rotary’s National Youth Science Forum. There were visits to university and agency science labs, practical use of equipment that only Rhys understands, friendships and sharing of ideas gained. Rhys told the meeting that words could not do justice to the wealth of experience this forum offered or its influence to confirm for him he will now apply to study physics at ANU at the end of this year 12 at MRSHS.